
In order for the firm to correct any problems, increase productivity, improve quality, or any combination of the above we recommend they use these alternative solutions:
·         BYOD (Bring your own device)
·         Complete updates overnight 
·         Switch Wi-Fi providers

BYOD (Bring your own device) 
Liability has become an issue within the restaurant considering they are trusting customers with very expensive equipment. In time we would hope to transition to having the customers bring their own devices to the restaurant. We believe there will be new levels of technology that will be tested first in other restaurants that will let you use the programming systems needed on your own tablets. However, this would work only when connected to the restaurants Wi-Fi. This will help limit the costliness of repairing damaged tablets.

Complete Updates Overnight
Since the system updates have been an issue for Buffalo Wild Wings, we have come up with a solution to help the business complete the updates overnight instead of during the day. Every night before the restaurant closes, the employees or management will have to complete the system updates. Doing the updates during the night will reassure that the updates do not occur during the day while there are guests at the restaurant. This will help to make guest satisfaction increase as well as making sure the restaurant never runs out of tablets.

Switch Wi-Fi Providers 

When talking to manager John Radamski, he mentioned that they have been having issues with their Wi-Fi recently. We have recommended the solution of switching Wi-Fi providers or simply providing two different Wi-Fi networks so there is never an issue with the rate of speed. Clearly, switching Wi-Fi providers would be the cheaper route to the issue but we believe that providing two different Wi-Fi networks would be the best solution. However, whichever solution will be better than what they are providing as of now. These solutions will help with guest satisfaction because they will not be having an issue with slow Internet while in the restaurant.

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